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Art Psychotherapy

What is Art Psychotherapy?

Aside from using words to communicate, the creative process enables our ability to increase self-awareness and insight, moving beyond the defenses we've developed. Sometimes words cannot explain everything that we feel and therefore there can be a disconnect between what the verbal part of our brain (left brain) allows us to express versus what the creative process may evoke (right brain). Creating art, in all forms, may help elicit emotional material that may be difficult to express with words alone.

The Art Therapist may provide specific art materials in order to help guide a client toward addressing a particular issue. At other times the Art Therapist may simply provide an accepting environment for the client to explore and choose their own materials as needed to center themselves or find general stress relief. Art Therapy may be used as a means of developing better relationships with oneself and others and thus achieving a more fulfilling and happy life.

In a corporate setting, utilizing Art Therapy and Mindfulness practices such as guided meditation (as seen below) & progressive muscle relaxation exercises, can be helpful in promoting a range of goals such as: improving team cohesion, increasing productivity, stimulating creative ideas & solutions, and de-stigmatizing & increasing organizational awareness regarding mental health.

Currently, Macarena’s private practice specializes in the following areas:

  • Women’s Mental Health: anxiety, depression, trauma, relational challenges, life transitions such as marriage, divorce, relocation, career changes, retirement, college and more.

  • Maternal mental health (prenatal and post partum support) 

  • Corporate/Workplace mental health & well-being workshops 

  • Childhood anxiety & depression, including infant mental health (ages 0-18) 

For any inquiries regarding private practice referrals, please email:  

For additional services including, but not limited to: organizational wellness & psychoeducational workshops, please visit us at Third Hand Healing

Client Testimonials

Macarena is an incredibly empathic therapist. She provides a warm, affirming and accepting environment where you always feel safe to express and be who you are. She will support and acknowledge your concerns and help you rediscover and uncover the tools within yourself that are needed to continue in your recovery or wellness journey.  - K.D.

Macarena provides a service that consistently shows her competence and reliability. I am thankful for the stability that she helped to provide during the many challenges and periods of change in my life. I have often read that art therapy provides a means of communication when there are no words. This is true and thankfully, I was able to find my voice during these sessions. - C.F.

The idea of therapy was always so foreign to me, but I knew I needed healing. I searched but I could never find a therapist who I felt could really understand where I was coming from. This changed when I started sessions with Macarena. She allows me to be free and completely transparent. We work through my issues from the ground up in a healthy and effective way, and she presents to me alternatives to toxic patterns I thought were unbreakable before therapy. I would definitely recommend Macarena and her use of art therapy for anyone experiencing the need for self growth and treatment.  - V.C.

Working with Macarena as my therapist is an experience that I will always cherish. I learned so much about myself in our sessions. My knowledge of how to openly think and reflect on my situations while simultaneously expressing my feelings grew. I still have some of the artwork that I created with her. The sessions were always warm, welcoming and comfortable. - S.B.

Macarena has helped me more than any other therapist that I have seen in my life and she has truly helped me improve my circumstances in so many ways. I am so grateful for everything that Macarena has done for me and for believing in me so that I could learn to believe in myself. - H.K.
